Government of Jamaica

InSport News

Winners of Netball in the INSPORTS Community Competition to get the same Prize Money as winners of Football

The Honourable Olivia Grange, Minister of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport announced today that the for the first time in the history of the INSPORTS Community Football and Netball Competitions, the winning netball team will get the same prize money of $500,000 as the winning football team.

The announcement came as the Sport Minister launched the final round of the competitions at the National Stadium.

After saying that the time to make the prize money equal between netball and football in the INSPORTS Community competition, Miss Grange said that the prizes for second, third and fourth places would also be adjusted but she would announce those later.

“The importance of grass roots sports, which is what the INSPORTS community netball and football competition is, cannot be over-emphasised.  It is sports for peace uniting communities regardless of political persuasion.

“This is why I have invited Members of Parliament, Councillors and community leader to encourage the INSPORTS netball and football teams in their constituencies, divisions and communities,” Miss Grange concluded.

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